Loan Officers and Producing Branch Managers can quickly request Lender Credits in Command Center's Loan Workbench to cover some of the borrower's mortgage-related closing costs on the loan.
Lender Credit Request
1. Navigate to Pipeline from the left-hand menu.
2. Double-click on a Loan Number and click on the Pricing tab.
3. Navigate to Action and click on Request Lender Credit.
4. The Lender Credit Request window appears. Enter the lender credit Percent or Dollar Amount, the two fields will update each other.
5. Select the Reason for the lender credit. Note is optional.
6. Click Submit when ready.
Note: Quickly view the Lender Credit Request history if it is available.
7. A message will appear the Lender Credit Request has been approved and will reflect in Encompass.
8. A red flag in the pipeline, indicates a Lender Credit request has been made and is waiting for approval. The "approved" history of this loan's Lender Credit Requests will appear in Loan Workbench, under the Pricing tab.