Reporting Widgets Overview

Reporting Widgets Overview

Data-driven decisions are essential to every successful business. You want to know not only your progress and profitability but also whether your team is being used effectively and efficiently. With visually appealing reports, Command Center's reporting widgets gives you the visibility you need to make informed decisions on performance and staffing. 

Reporting widgets are determined by your user role in the organization. They are tailored to suit the user role's needs. i.e. Branch Manager, Loan Officers, Loan Processors, Underwriters and Upper Management. 

To get a deeper dive into all of the available Command Center Insights Reporting Widgets, please view the AFN Command Center Insights - Glossary and Reference Guide

Here are the features and terms with reporting widgets:


Filters are a way to narrow down information within a dashboard. They can carry over to other dashboard tabs within the user's view. 
Note: Management personnel are the only users who have access to filters. 
      1. Select your filter options and click Apply Filter


Any time a report element is underlined or a piece of a graphic is clickable , you can click to reveal more detailed information

When you click on a drill-down, a more detailed table that breaks out the selected content into more granular information will appear. 

Loan Query

When you click on a loan number in the drill-down table, Command Center directs you to the Loan Query page where you are able to see a high-level view of the loan.
  1. Loan Information
  2. Borrower Information
  3. Subject Property Information
  4. Investor Information
  5. Milestone Information
  6. Contact Information (AFN Team Members)
  7. Condition Information. 

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