Team Loans and Team Loan Compensation in CompenSafe

Team Loans and Team Loan Compensation in CompenSafe

What is a Team Loan?

A team loan is when there are more than one licensed Loan Officer associated with the loan and that other user is assigned to the Team Loan field in Encompass. 

Team Loan Compensation 

Both the Loan Officer and the Team Loan Officer are paid a commission calculated off of the Team Loan % on their LO Addendum A.  A percentage must be assigned in the Team Loan box of the LO Addendum A in order for the Loan Officer to be paid their team commission. 
  1. Loan Officer on a Team Loan: The main Loan Officer of the loan in Encompass. The commission is calculated based on the lead source of the loan and their corresponding compensation plan to the lead source, minus the calculated amount from "Team-% Deduction-LO" allocation 

  1. Team Loan Officer on a Team Loan: The other Loan Officer assigned in the Team Loan field of the loan in Encompass. The commission is calculated based on the lead source of the loan and their corresponding team compensation plan to the lead source. 

Team Loan Compensation Plan

The Team Loan % on the LO Addendum A represents a percentage of the Loan Officer's own Self-Generated (SG), Company Generated (CG) and Internal Referral (IR) compensation plans. This can be either in BPS or Flat $ amount. Below are how the Team Loan Compensation Plans are calculated:
  1. Team LO SG:  SG Comp X Team Loan % = Team LO SG Comp
  2. Team LO CG:  CG X Team Loan % = Team LO CG Comp
  3. Team LO IR:  IR Comp X Team Loan % = Team LO IR Comp

Here is an example of a Team Loan Compensation Plan in BPS (Basis Points)

  1. Team LO SG:  200bps X 50% = 100bps, setup in CompenSafe as "Team LO SG Flat 100 BPS"
  2. Team LO CG:  100bps X 50% = 50bps, setup in CompenSafe as "Team LO CG Flat 50 BPS"
  3. Team LO IR:  50bps X 50% = 25bps, setup in CompenSafe as "Team LO IR Flat 25 BPS"

Here is an example of a Team Loan Compensation Plan in a Flat $ Amount

  1. Team LO SG:  $1000 X 50% = $500, setup in CompenSafe as "Team LO SG Flat $500"
  2. Team LO CG:  $800 X 50% = $400, setup in CompenSafe as "Team LO CG Flat $400"
  3. Team LO IR:  $500 X 50% = $250, setup in CompenSafe as "Team LO IR Flat $250"

If you need any assistance with your CompenSafe account, please email with screenshots and details of your issue. 
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