View my Compensation Plan in CompenSafe

View my Compensation Plan in CompenSafe

View your assigned compensation plan to see current commission, allocation and override schedules. 

View Compensation Plan

1. Navigate to Comp from the left-hand menu. 

2. Enter your AFN email address and password. 

3. You will be directed to Dashboard. 
4. Click on the Payroll drop-down menu and select My Comp Plan

5. Compensation plans in CompenSafe are composed of 3 variables: Compensation Schedule (or Schedules for short), Allocation Rules (Allocations), and Override Schedules (Overrides).
To have compensation calculated in CompenSafe, you must have at least one active Schedule, Allocation or Override assigned. If the schedule(s), allocation rule(s) and override schedule(s) are correct, click on the Confirmed box  next to each plan. A Confirmed Date will be displayed. 

View the Compensation Schedule Details

1. Click on the Compensation Plan hyperlink to view the plan's details. 

2. Compensation Schedule > Detail tab lists the:
  1. Schedule Name
  2. Assigned To: User group assigned
  3. Pay per: Compensation payment 
  4. Schedule Activation Date
  5. Loan Eligibility Date: AFN generally uses the locked date 
  6. Payable on Date: AFN generally uses the completed date

3. Click on the Pay tab to view:
  1. Pay Type: Commission or Bonus
  2. Pay Unit: Flat $ Amount or Basis Points (BPS)
  3. Tier Type: Flat, Units, Volume, Units or Volume, or Units and Volume
  4. Metric Type
  5. Tier Level and Payout

4. Click on the Include tab to view what is included in the compensation plan. This tab shows what loan channels and lead source are included in calculating the schedule. 

5. Click on the Exclude tab to view exclusions from compensation. This tab shows what loan channels, loan types and lead source are excluded in calculating the schedule. 

6. Click on Options to view the Termination Rule of the compensation plan. AFN generally pays within 30 days from the employee's separation. 

7. Click on Notes to view the compensation plan's notes. 

If you need any assistance with your CompenSafe account, please email with screenshots and details of your issue. 
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