Lender Credit Request: Error Messages
Branch Managers can quickly request Lender Credits in Command Center under the Pipeline and Loan Workbench > Pricing page. When requesting Lender Credits in Command Center, error messages may occur due to the following: Scenario 1: Secondary review ...
Pipeline: Lender Credit Request
Loan Officers and Producing Branch Managers can quickly request Lender Credits in Command Center's Pipeline to cover some of the borrower's mortgage-related closing costs on the loan. Request Lender Credit 1. Navigate to Pipeline from the ...
Lock Extension FAQs
Loan Officers and Branch Managers can quickly request Lock Extensions in Command Center in the Pipeline and in Loan Workbench > Pricing pages. When requesting Lock Extensions in Command Center, keep these in mind: Automated Pay By Workflows: Branch ...
Pipeline: Request Lock Extensions
Producing Branch Managers and Loan Officers can request Lock Extensions in Command Center to quickly guarantee the current rate of interest on a home loan while the borrower proceeds through the purchase and closing process. Request Lock Extensions ...
Pipeline: Customize & Rearrange Columns
As a user in Command Center, you can customize the columns listed and rearrange the layout in your pipeline view. The new layout will automatically be saved until you want to make further adjustments. Add/Remove Columns 1. Click on the Columns ...
Pipeline Overview
The Pipeline is the starting point for viewing key loan information and initiating tasks for loans in Encompass. It can help you quickly see the statuses of your loans and how fast it is moving along the loan application process. From the Pipeline, ...